Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Who do we love? To what extent do we love them?

I died today and you didn't come to the funeral. The last time I saw you, you made me laugh and I enjoyed our time together. The last time I saw you was more than three years ago. Did you love me when I died? Did you cry? Were you far away when my body began to fail? You knew that the end was on its way, but the clock seemed inconsistent.

What do you think will kill you? Do you think a disease will kill you as mine did? Which one? Or maybe an accident you couldn't see coming? Quickly or slowly? Pain?

I know you loved me. Its a shame you didn't call more. We would have caught up on bits of each other's lives. But we did that vicariously.

Did you cry? I hope you did. Not for me, for you.

Do you miss me now? Do you have things you wanted to say? Things left undone?

Who was at the funeral? Did my father come? My sister? Were my kids there? What music did they play?

I hope people said nice things.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's up? This is clever writing, but it doesn't make an auntie's heart feel warm & fuzzy. We'll be home most all of the weekend - call us and we'll call back!

2:01 pm  

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