Saturday, December 09, 2006

Homesick All Over The New Carpet

I haven't been in America since last Christmas. I'm not complaining because my life over here has been pretty exciting, but I'm at the point where I need some American love. I don't care who you know or who you think you know, Brits are at least slightly depressing. Even if there are a few optimistic, sunny, bright-eyed exceptions, the overwhelming majority of closed-off, depressed, overly sarcastic, genuinely miserable, pessimistic sods crowd top of the bell-curve. I know America is not perfect. Take a look at the number of bigots at a rodeo. Turn your focus to the insider-trading still going on among some of the top CEOs. And don't forget the ever-increasing level of gun crime. But! (he raises a finger for emphasis) I don't see that shit every day. Sure I know it goes on, but it completely depends on where you live. The truth of the matter is, I have always lived in a place where there is an extremely high quality of life. Am I lucky? Yes. But should I feel depressed and begin a long stint of self-deprecation? No. I get homesick for visits to Lubbock where I know the trees are sparse and the grass is yellow, but somehow you come across a lot of friendly people. Even friends are friendlier. There's something about America's enthusiasm about everything. The over-use of the words 'wow' and 'awesome' are more of a pleasure than a cliché. There is a buzz of fun and dance when I have a few drinks and go to the gay clubs back home, whereas there is a hum of filth and alcoholism over here. I like going for a coffee with a group of friends before going out and imbibing. Here at the same time as friends in Lubbock would go for a coffee, we go for a pint. Sure some of this is the college life and is a phase of debauchery, but go to a pub for a week solid and you see the same faces every day, and you only need to ask the barman to find out that they have been drinking the same drink every day for the past 30 years. It rains a lot over here and today looks to be pretty depressing as well. Perhaps that is a huge catalyst. I'm living over here for the indefinite future. I have had my thoughts concerning when I plan to move back to America. There was a time when I thought never. Now I am thinking soon. At the moment, it is 11:26 in the morning and I feel like a pint of bitter would go down a treat. Is there a problem, or is the rain to blame?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How touching & poignant. Can't wait, either! It is nice to hear some nice things about America after listening to part of a report from N. Korea where we are thought to be the biggest enemy on the planet. Whew!
Looking forward to more political changes that will (hopefully) change the way a lot of people think of us!

Love you...get HOME!
your auntie Kate

5:23 pm  

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