Monday, October 16, 2006

After a very exciting and useful week at the BBC New Talent 'Be A Musical Theatre Performer' Workshop, I was not selected as on of the five to proceed on to the BBC Radio 2 Voice of Musical Theatre Competition. Having said that, I've only gained from my experience. Now that the competition side of things is out of the way, I can focus on what I learned in the workshop. All of the fifteen singers deserved their place in the workshop. It was a very diverse group of people. Throughout the week we worked on singing technique and acting through song in separate sessions and then at the end we integrated the two together. I've learned of some areas that I need to work on to move forward as an actor/singer, but despite not being what they were looking for in the competition, they assured me I am still very castable and have a beautiful voice. I have the confidence to drive me to look for the next job and I know that my voice is not what will keep me from getting the job. Its down to taste and role suitability. With every minor setback, I get that little bit stronger. Every actor I know of has had more no's than yes's. It is simply a matter of brushing of the past disappointments and trucking on to the next audition which is around the corner. I'm happy to have the support of all my friends and family. That is something I do not take for granted.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You sound good to me - mature and reflective. I'm sure you'll put those workshops to good use. And, of course, the next opportunity could be the PERFECT Yes!

I have NO doubts we'll be seeing your name in lights when the time is right.

Love you, :)

4:27 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats Al, I'm so proud of you and your magnificent plot. Sounds like you have gained great expiriences from the theatre camp. Like Kate says, the way you accept the results and turn them to your advantage and learn all you can, will be a big positive in the future. Like I said before, when the rocket blasts off you better be ready to hang on. There'll be no stopping it. LLL, Dad

6:30 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Post, boy; where the #%*& are you!
You're nosy aunt, Kate

And what's your holiday schedule? Your Dad says you'll be home :)!

7:27 pm  

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