Friday, August 15, 2003

Congratulations on finding me! I am a most fortunate soul, I assure you. I am perhaps the only person you know that is travelling to Wales. I am probably the only person you know that is studying theatre in Wales. I am definitely the only person you know that has dressed up as Dr. Frank-n-furter on multiple occasions, and is studying theatre in wales. My school is the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama. Located in Cardiff, Wales, this spectacular institution for the furthering of dramatic arts and music is located just down the way from the largest castle in the world, well not in the whole world but in the whole Cardiff. Far from civilization these primitive people sit around admiring each other's quilt patterns and knit-work. Again, I lie. Cardiff is the fastest growing capital city in the UK. Standing right now at about 300,000 blokes and blokettes (notice, i've already made up a word) is is just the right size for a man of my pizzaze (spell that word as you like). With four housemates and myself I'm sure the neighbors will all complain once or twice at the outlandish ribaldry that will take place. As I progress along I will add my works of poetry (although I've been a bit dry lately) and thoughts/beliefs.


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